The ideas behind EFT concept is that all issues have a underlying emotional upset as a reason.All the emotional upsets are caused due to disturbances in our body's energy system. Once we Correct the disturbance, then the emotional upset also goes away.Eft is a tool which clears these emotional disturbances.
For example,I have a fear of darkness.I'm terrified to go alone in a dark room.I sweat when someone mentions " dark room ".So,then I try EFT.I tap lightly on few points on my face,chest etc. with my 2 fingers.I use a "affirmation" along with tapping,which is also used in NLP. Affirmation is a set up sentence or word.This takes less than one minute.
I do this cycle for 5 times.Each time my intensity or fear value goes from extreme(10) to normal(3 or even zero).Now,I try to hear the word "dark room" from a friend.I feel no fear.
Then I put off a few lights in my room.No fear.Now, I Put off all the lights.Oh!little fear.
I put on the lights and tap again for 5 times with affirmation.Again I try.Oh yes.I have conquered my fear.
EFT can reduce back pain,headache,common cold,fear,depression,grief AND MANY MORE.We may not get 100% better but in many extreme cases even 70% is better.
About Gary Craig
He is he founder of EFT . He is neither a psychologist nor a licensed therapist.
He was born on April 13, 1940 and have been intensely interested in personal improvement using psychology since age OF 13. He recognized that the quality of our thoughts is in the quality of our life. He learned the core of EFT from Dr. Roger Callahan.He is also a Certified Master NLP Practitioner.
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